Nurses, EMTs, and Paramedics! Instead of watching the IV drip chamber and your watch, then multiplying by and dividing by... losing count and all of that fun stuff, just run Drip Timer.
Tap the upper portion of the screen each time a drop falls into the chamber. Don't need many - after three or five drops, tap the drip set (10, 15, 20, or 60gtts/ml) and your drip rate is displayed.
This also works for heartbeats and is useful for neonate heart rates, or to count breathing.
Absolutely free, and ad-free.
Perawat, EMT, dan Paramedis! Alih-alih menonton ruang IV drip dan menonton Anda, kemudian mengalikannya dengan dan membaginya dengan ... kehilangan hitungan dan semua hal menyenangkan, hanya menjalankan Drip Timer.
Tekan bagian atas layar setiap kali penurunan jatuh ke dalam kamar. Tidak perlu banyak - setelah tiga atau lima tetes, tekan set drip (10, 15, 20, atau 60gtts / ml) dan tingkat tetes Anda ditampilkan.
Hal ini juga bekerja untuk detak jantung dan berguna untuk detak jantung neonatus, atau untuk menghitung pernapasan.
Benar-benar gratis, dan bebas iklan.
Nurses, EMTs, and Paramedics! Instead of watching the IV drip chamber and your watch, then multiplying by and dividing by... losing count and all of that fun stuff, just run Drip Timer.
Tap the upper portion of the screen each time a drop falls into the chamber. Don't need many - after three or five drops, tap the drip set (10, 15, 20, or 60gtts/ml) and your drip rate is displayed.
This also works for heartbeats and is useful for neonate heart rates, or to count breathing.
Absolutely free, and ad-free.